



倘若你也醉心於青春永駐的魔法,那你一定要來佛羅里達州。1513年西班牙探險家胡安德萊昂就是為了這傳說中的青春之泉找到位於美國東南岸的佛州,而為了紀念當時時值四月,是西班牙「花的復活節」(Pascue Florida)便稱此地做「La Florida」,也就是本州州名的由來。



If you are enchanted by the magic of “eternal youth”, then you should not miss Florida. Spanish adventurer Juan Ponce de Leon came to Florida in April of 1513 to search for the mysterious “fountain of youth”. He named the area "la Florida" in memorial of Spain's Eastertime celebration "Pascua florida" (feast of the flowers).

The weather in Florida is warm and pleasant. It attracts over sixty million tourists per year, which makes it without doubt one of the world strongest tourist magnets in the world. And among all, Walt Disney World, which is the largest of all five Disney theme parks, is located in Orlando (it is two times bigger than Manhattan). This dreamland continues to lure more visitors to the state each year, and bring in a massive amount of revenue to the state. 

Apart from the tourist industry, the second largest economic activity in the state is agriculture; especially the planting of citruses. This is also the reason why the fruit that symbolizes Florida is the orange.

Florida is also known as the home of alligators. Due to the fact that alligators can be quite aggressive once they encounter danger, these tough little creatures have become a nuisance in the state.





keywords: 佛羅里達留學、佛羅里達遊學

