University of Liverpool Presessional
商學院(Management School)課程變動課程包括:
19-week Pre-sessional EAP Programme-IELTS 5.5 (with a minimum of 4.5 in all bands)
10-week Pre-sessional EAP Programme-IELTS 6.0 (with a minimum of 5.0 in all bands)
06-week Pre-sessional EAP Programme-IELTS 6.0 (with a minimum of 5.5 in all bands)
學校對於IELTS 5.5的學生採取更嚴格的標準, 要上五個月(19周)的課程.
對於考到IELTS 6.0的學生採取較寬鬆的標準, 只上六禮拜(06周)的課程, 但是, 也較長(4周->6周)
MSc Accounting
MSc Consumer Marketing
MSc e-Business Strategy and Systems
MSc Economics and Finance
MSc Finance
MSc Human Resource Management
MSc International Business
MSc Management
MBA (Football Industries)
MBA (Business, Finance and Management
MBA (The Liverpool MBA)
MSc Operations and Supply Chain Management
MSC Programme and Project Management