UK grants Taiwanese access to its youth mobility scheme 04 October 2011 From January 2012, Taiwanese young people will be eligible to apply for a youth mobility scheme visa for the UK. The announcement comes as UK and Taiwanese authorities agreed to allow 1,000 young Taiwanese each year to live and work in the UK for up to 2 years and the same number of young Britons to come to Taiwan. David Campbell, director of the British Trade and Cultural Office in Taiwan said: ''We are extremely pleased to welcome Taiwanese young people to our youth mobility programme. This is a significant opportunity for both the UK and Taiwan, an opportunity to further strengthen and build on the cultural and economic ties that exist between us and to promote mutual understanding. It gives young Taiwanese the opportunity to experience life in the UK and to improve their English, and for us to benefit from having them live within our communities.'' James Sharp, director, Asia Pacific, UK Border Agency, said: ''The Youth Mobility Scheme, which comes under Tier 5 of the UK''s Points Based System for visa applications, will open to Taiwanese applicants in early January 2012. Under the scheme those aged between 18 and 30 will be eligible to apply, and will be able to live, work and study in the UK without the need for a sponsor.'' Before applying for a visa, Taiwanese applicants will first need a certificate of sponsorship from Taiwan''s National Youth Commission. The National Youth Commission expects to announce further details on this process on 1 November 2011. If you wish to apply you should monitor our website and the National Youth Commission website for updates.

馬總統宣布明年起,將提供每年1000位青年前往英國遊學打工,停留期間可達兩年。英國貿易文化辦事處今天表示,明年將是英國女王登基60週年、夏天還有倫敦奧運將登場,歡迎更多台灣青年可以體驗英國當地的生活。英國文化辦事處表示,這項計畫將從明年元旦起開始接受申請。 馬總統上週親自宣布從明年元旦起,將提供每年1000位青年前往英國遊學打工的名額。英國貿易文化辦事處代表康博偉表示,台灣是亞洲繼日本之後,第二個參與英國「青年旅行工作計畫」的國家,他更強調,2012年將是英國女王登基60週年,7月起倫敦奧運和身障奧運陸續登場,另外還有2012文化藝術節,歡迎更多的台灣青年可以體驗多元的英國文化。 英國文化辦事處表示,這項計畫將從明年元旦開始接受申請,每年提供1000名18到30歲,持有中華民國護照、以及有效「贊助者證明」的台灣青年,為期兩年的青年旅行工作簽證,這項簽證屬於計點積分制度中的第五級簽證。在提出申請時,申請人的個人銀行帳戶或共同帳戶中至少有1600英鎊的現金存款。